BEnefits for partners and sponsors

Do you want to get involved as partner or sponsor of CONNECT?

CONNECT builds bridges between highly qualified female STEM scientists and companies and contributes to bringing more females to high-level positions in industry and public sector.

Would you like to have the opportunity to

  • Showcase your company and increase visibility among young talents?

  • Engage with ambitious and highly skilled female STEM scientists wanting to transition to industry?

  • Combine your engagement for gender equity with attracting new employees by showing them possible career paths?

Then become part of CONNECT, where a group of women is visiting your company for a day and interacts with role models and HR representatives. Get in touch to learn about our attractive partner packages!

In order to increase the participation of women from french-
speaking Switzerland, we are increasingly looking for companies in Western Switzerland that would like to join the network.

Would you rather support the program without a company visit? Join us as sponsor!


Contact for interested companies: careercenter(at)psi(dot)ch

"It can be a win-win as we enter a phase in which our job offering improves and we can actually increase interest of female applicants to our company." (Company representative)

"This familiar atmosphere is crucial for this very open and free exchange of opinions.(Role model)

"Pulling together the resources and setting up the events has offered an opportunity to improve our internal network and think about our own career goals and aspirations and work-life balance." (Company representative)

"Companies could gain so much from reaching out to highly motivated, skilled women!" (Role model)

Diverse Program

CONNECT partners since 2019

CONNECT aims at working with different companies every year, to diversify the program, and let different companies and sectors benefit from the interaction with highly qualified women. The exception is DETEC, which as a federal office has participated every year since Round 2. Here, you find an overview of our partners and sponsors since the first program round.

CONNECT sponsors

We thank swissuniversities (2018-2020) and the Federal Office for Gender Equality (2021-2023) for supporting CONNECT during the start phase. We are also grateful to SEFAR for supporting Round 5 of CONNECT in 2023/2024, and to Bain for their sponsor role in Round 6, 2024/2025.